On Vacation Again… part 2

This morning we started our day with a delicious (translation: expensive) breakfast. Fortunately for the expense, it was really actually quite delicious (but how on earth they rationalized 3.50 for a glass of chocolate milk, I don’t ever want to understand). Once we properly digested (at least 45 minutes, just like when I was little) we headed to Malibu, specifically Zuma Beach. Apparently it’s a real place, not just a catch phrase on the E channel and MTV… another thing I didn’t know. This trip is full of fun new facts for me! Frank checked in for his race tomorrow and touched base with the tri-team folk where he was very popular with all the muckety-mucks (translation: he’s bff with the race director).

We checked out the event tents and after trying rather fruitlessly to talk the Toyota people into giving me a complimentary Prius we headed off to see Point Dume (Dume, not doom – the only danger we were in was of twisting a toe on the many rocky trails). We read that whales and other sea creatures can be found there so we were very excited to extend a hand of friendship to our West Coast comrades. Unfortunately, none of them saw us that way and stayed too far away from us for the handshaking to commence. The whales stayed so far away, in fact, that we didn’t actually see them…. BUT a seal swam pretty close and checked us out from afar. I think the surfing boys actually, scared them more than my eager shouting of “eeeek – loook!” At least that’s what I’m telling myself so that I don’t feel too guilty for squealing like a…. well, Andrea.

We closed out the day with a trip to Jamba Juice. Gosh their smoothies are delicious! Hope you’re all having a great weekend and we’ll write more soon.

Good Luck on your race tomorrow Frank!!!!! We’ll all be cheering for you!

3 thoughts on “On Vacation Again… part 2”

  1. Oh my gosh, I miss Jamba Juice!!!!!!!!! One Chocolate Moo Cow and an Orange Dream Machine please!!!! Mmmmmmm……… I can’t get used to Planet Smoothie. :( Sounds like an exciting trip so far, I better get back to reading. Just had to give m shout out to Jamba!

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